Category: News

A Hiking We Will Go…

The Summer Semesters may be short but they are also sweet (and hot). To escape the heat of Rome our Athletics Team took students to two weekend trips, The Walk of The Gods in Amalfi and Sapri. Both trips had their challenges with steep stairs, rocky cliffs, and the hot sun, but were rewarding with beautiful views and dips in the Mediterranean Sea. Thank you to all the students, staff, and amazing host for both weekends…they were incredible!

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Spring 2022 Student Services Awards

Finally, the Student Services Awards were able to take place in person. It has been a long two years of Covid-19, regulations, masks, and evolution but we are here now and ready to celebrate our 2022 Athletic Champions. We cannot thank those enough for continuing to participate in sports, intramurals, and all athletic events. Your support has meant the world to us during these difficult times. Without further ado…our 2022 Gladiator Champions!

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Week 7: Lucky Number Seven

This week proved that sometimes luck is not on your side but also that luck isn’t everything. Skill, determination, and your willingness to give it everything you have is just as, if not more important. We had a few surprising losses this week but also some big wins that we are so proud of. Let’s give it up for our Gladiators, on to week 8!

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Week 6: Through Hail & High Waters

Another busy week for our JCU Gladiators as they continue to fight for victories against their many competitors. Although we had some difficult losses we also had some incredible wins that we should be proud of. Volleyball, Basketball & Men’s Soccer continue to prove their determination with multiple victories and Women’s soccer and 5on5 are giving everything they have to pull through and dominate. Let’s give it up for our Gladiators!

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basketball team warming up

Week 4: games and challenges

Week 4 saw our Gladiators playing different games, facing important challenges. On Monday our Men’s 5on5 Soccer and Basketball teams played respectively against Link Campus in the University of Rome Championship and against Lokomotiv Prenestino in the UISP Tournament. Wednesday was a busy night for both our Men’s Soccer team playing against College Life and Basketball team playing against Unicamillus. On Thursday, our COED Volleyball took the field against Icaro team in the Oroverde Tournament. But let’s see in detail what our Gladiators went through.

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