Finally, the Student Services Awards were able to take place in person. It has been a long two years of Covid-19, regulations, masks, and evolution but we are here now and ready to celebrate our 2022 Athletic Champions. We cannot thank those enough for continuing to participate in sports, intramurals, and all athletic events. Your support has meant the world to us during these difficult times. Without further ado…our 2022 Gladiator Champions!

Women’s Soccer MVP – Valentina Gozzi
Womens Soccer MIP – Camilla Ciallella
Men’s Soccer MVP – David Maehle
Men’s Soccer MIP – Thomas Loynd
Volleyball MVP – Mara Peruzzi
Volleyball MIP – Razvan Valentin Moldovan
Cheer MVP – Jasmine Schwaller
Cheer MIP – Carolina Miller
Futsal MVP – Erick Valencia
Futsal MIP – Edoardo Biagini
Basketball MVP – Noah Salah
Basketball MIP – Edoardo Guidici
GLADIATOR SPIRIT AWARD – Sofia Parenti & Noam Yawetz

Sports Award Participant is given to a student who has gone above and beyond and led students in sports and athletic events. This year our recipient is Nicholas Modlin.
‘Nicholas is simply an awesome student. It doesn’t happen often you meet such a proactive and pragmatic student, with a sporty heart like him. His contribution to the Athletics Department and in general JCU’s physical activity was very important: thanks to his passion, he was able to finally activate and lead the Run Club, which has always been our dream since our first days working at JCU. His sense of community was always a great help to us in Alessandro’s charity sports events and strengthened the JCU spirit by participating actively in our Strava Challenges. Finally, all he did was on a volunteering basis makes his actions even more highly appreciated.’

Once again, thank you to all of our players, staff, and faculty for a great year, we cannot wait for 2023! #gogladiators