Week 6: Through Hail & High Waters

Another busy week for our JCU Gladiators as they continue to fight for victories against their many competitors. Although we had some difficult losses we also had some incredible wins that we should be proud of. Volleyball, Basketball & Men’s Soccer continue to prove their determination with multiple victories and Women’s soccer and 5on5 are giving everything they have to pull through and dominate. Let’s give it up for our Gladiators!

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basketball team warming up

Week 4: games and challenges

Week 4 saw our Gladiators playing different games, facing important challenges. On Monday our Men’s 5on5 Soccer and Basketball teams played respectively against Link Campus in the University of Rome Championship and against Lokomotiv Prenestino in the UISP Tournament. Wednesday was a busy night for both our Men’s Soccer team playing against College Life and Basketball team playing against Unicamillus. On Thursday, our COED Volleyball took the field against Icaro team in the Oroverde Tournament. But let’s see in detail what our Gladiators went through.

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JCU Participates in Roman Sports Championship Opening Ceremony

JCU participated in the inauguration of the 16th edition of the Roman Sports Tournament Championship held on November 30, 2021, at the Salone D’Onore del CONI (The Italian National Olympic Committee, in Rome). The tournament, which lasts until May 2022, features the participation of fourteen universities in Rome and involves more than 700 students, eight disciplines, and hundreds of competitions.

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#GetFitNovember: Strava Challenge Fall 2021

With all of the success of our past Strava Challenges the Gladiators knew we wanted to continue to bring together our JCU communities to give back. #GetFitNovember combines health and wellness, provides sport and recreational activities and gives back to the local community. Over the month of November, JCU students, alumni, staff, and faculty had the chance to compete against & with one another using the popular fitness app, Strava. The app measures physical activity whether it be walking to class, running, biking, etc. Each week, there was a top 10 ranking and an hourly overall group goal. If the hourly goal was met, JCU donated crucial hygiene products to the non-profit organization, Vo.Re.Co. 

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