Week #1-Varsity Sports Tryouts Recap

The first week of JCU varsity sports tryouts has ended successfully with around 110 new and returning students showing up and putting forth their best effort for our soccer, volleyball, and basketball teams!

Thankfully after the rain of last weekend, we had great weather conditions for the first day of tryouts on Monday and students were in good spirits. Β This semester, we’ve had the highest number of students participating in our varsity sports tryouts in JCU history!


Our coaches Riccardo (men’s 11v11), Manuel (men’s 5v5 soccer), Paolo (women’s soccer), Francesco (basketball), and Stefano (volleyball), look forward to the task of training and working with our enthusiastic future and returning Gladiators and guiding them through a successful season!

Stay tuned on the blog for weekly updates about our tryouts, trips, classes, and much more!