Hey Gladiators, gear up and get ready because JCU Spring 2018 Pep Rally is about to kick off!

On Monday, January 29th the Athletics Department will be hosting a special Pep Rally together with the JCU Volleyball Team. The event will be held in Guarini Campus and will start at 7:15 pm. This is your chance to meet our Gladiators volleyball players and spread some Gladiators spirit in and out JCU walls.

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New JCU Hip Hop Heels Class

Beyoncé, Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez, Madonna, and many other pop divas have, sooner or later during their careers, performed and danced in heels. But probably only few know that dancing in heels has become an actual discipline.

John Cabot University Athletics Department is proud to offer for the first time this semester a brand new fitness class – Hip Hop Heels. Starting from Thursday, January 25th, the class will take place every following Thursday at 5:15 pm at JCU Fitness Center (Gianicolo Residence).

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The Chosen Ones! JCU Men’s Soccer Team

The Athletics Department is pleased to announce the Official Spring 2018 Men’s Soccer Team Roster!

The players have been selected after an entire week of tryouts. Everyone proved to be very skilled, but only the best ones made it to the final team. Thank you to everyone who participated and congratulations to those who are now officially part of the team!

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Basketball tryouts

The first round of basketball tryouts began last night at Virgilio.

Quite a few players showed up. Most of them were new JCU students, but they were immediately able to fit in by proving, besides their very good basketball skills, that they had what it takes to be a real Gladiator. They perfectly embodied our Gladiators spirit as they were having fun while playing, giving us the feeling they were ready to become a great team. Continue reading “Basketball tryouts”