New JCU Hip Hop Heels Class

Beyoncé, Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez, Madonna, and many other pop divas have, sooner or later during their careers, performed and danced in heels. But probably only few know that dancing in heels has become an actual discipline.

John Cabot University Athletics Department is proud to offer for the first time this semester a brand new fitness class – Hip Hop Heels. Starting from Thursday, January 25th, the class will take place every following Thursday at 5:15 pm at JCU Fitness Center (Gianicolo Residence).

Hip Hop Heels style can be described as a new combination of dancing moves that originate from hip hop with the addition of some heels work. This type of dance is increasingly becoming more popular these days, and it is often used as a particular way to get in shape while boosting confidence, building physical strength, and having fun at the same time.

*A short clip of Nia performing and showing her dancing style and abilities

Nia Hinds, a professional dancer and study abroad student from New Jersey, will teach the class.
During these years, Nia has acquired a great amount of experience in different dance styles, ranging from ballet, tap and jazz to modern dance, hip hop, and African dance. She studied and performed in different roles together with the Philadelphia Dance Company for two years, and she was also National Champion and two time runner-up at UCA National High School Cheerleading Championship in Orlando (FL). Nia is currently part of the University of Miami hip hop group KAOS.

We, therefore, encourage all the students to try this new and fun dance style with Nia.
Don’t be shy! We all know that you have always dreamed to dance and feel like Beyoncé at least once in your life!