Our very own Athletic Coordinator, Alessandro Sabelli, loves a good challenge, especially if it has a way to help others. Each year, Alessandro dedicates his time to raising money for a different foundation or fundraising project. This year, alongside JCU’s student Nicholas Modin, he ran the Rome Marathon with a Joelette for Sport Senza Frontiere.

A Joelette is a wheelchair for outdoor sports and activities. It provides those with physical disabilities the chance to experience things like hiking, running, and long walks. Alex was drawn to this project because he truly believes that sports should be inclusive to everyone, even if that inclusion looks a bit different.
“I can’t imagine my life without sports,” said Sabelli. It has always been my greatest passion, so when my friend, Andrea asked me to help him run a marathon I didn’t hesitate. Everyone should have the opportunity to participate in sports even if it isn’t typical.”
His friend, Andrea, was the Joelette athlete for the marathon. Andrea was born with Cerebral Palsy and is wheelchair-bound. He is a bright, dedicated, and very funny young man, who pushed the boys the whole race. He couldn’t wait to cross the finish line with his friends and family there to support their cause.
In the end, they finished the race with an incredible victory and raised almost €2.000 for Sport Senza Frontiere in the hopes of giving more children the ability to play sports.
If you would like to donate to this worthy cause, please click on the following link: RUN4INCLUSION | Rete del Dono. Feel free to share this message widely.