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First official game after a long break!

On Wednesday, November 10th, the JCU Men’s Soccer team fought hard against Università Roma Tre but ultimately lost 0-1. It was a very balanced game until the last minutes when UR3 made the winning goal. Throughout the first half, the Gladiators came very close to scoring but weren’t able to pull through. 

“I am proud of what I saw on the pitch yesterday,” said Coach Ion. “Starting again after all this time is not easy. We are rebuilding a group from 0 and the guys are working hard on this. We played a good game, at a very high pace. Football is a situational sport where it is often the episode that decides it. We hit 2 runners and had several chances. This match must be a stimulus to train even more intensely, trying to always be all present.”

Captain Gabriele Lanzafame felt the team tried their best and fought hard til the very end. “We were unlucky at the last seconds and tried our best to play with 10 men because of the red card. Overall, the team is proud of what we did.”

The JCU Gladiators Men’s Soccer team will play Wednesday, Nov 17th vs. LINK University at Trastevere Stadium. Follow our Instagram account to watch the game live streaming!