Men’s 11v11 Soccer First Official 2017/18 Game Recap

Last night, the 11v11 soccer Universities of Rome Championship began! Immediately a difficult task for our men’s team as they were about to compete against last year’s champions of Link Campus University!

In front of the vast audience and Link TV cameras, the 22 players on the field begin the game at a very fast pace. Link Campus University, with its extensive experience of players, seemed to have more possession during the game, and 30 minutes into the lead with a free-kick goal.

During the second half, we finally began to see a transformation of the Gladiators who came onto the field more determined and found the draw well-deserved, after numerous goal attempts, thanks to Mohamed Haddad. While everyone expected Link’s reaction, it’s still JCU that continued to push to look for the advantage. But luck did not seem to be on our side!

At the 15 ‘minute mark, a free kick from the area’s limit and crossing of the poles hit by Garza with a striking effect shot. A blackout of the referee and a side throw in attack for John Cabot, with the entire team in the penalty area. By surprise, the referee changes his mind and gives a free kick to Link Campus that exploits the position of the Gladiators and launched a deadly counterattack. The score is now 1-2.. The game became chaotic and ultimately irreparable. Link handled the situation better and closes the match with 1-4..

JCU Athletics Coordinator, Marco Iorio, said about the game,

“Ever since I’ve been working with JCU, I’ve never seen our men’s team so well prepared and well-placed on the field. We have a team that will put up a fight with all the great teams in the championship.  The boys at the end of the match were pretty upset, but I mean we can’t ask for more from them, they played amazing.”

Next next Monday will be another important match against the Luiss at home, who easily passed the Erasmus In Campus with a 6-1. In the other championship race, Foro Italico beat Erasmus Esn with 4-1.