Coed Basketball 3v3 University Tournament Recap

Last night at Virgilio high school, our coed basketball team participated in the 3v3 university tournament playing against the American University of Rome and Foro Italico!

The night started off on the right foot for us as JCU beat the American University of Rome in the first game, 28-21. Foro Italico took over the lead though in the following two games against AUR as well as JCU (16-43 and 26-19).

Although we gave the games our best effort and continued to beat AUR (15-37 was the score of our final game against AUR), UFI ultimately ended up winning this round of the tournament as they were very strong against both our team and AUR with the end total score being: AUR- 0, JCU-4, and UFI-8. Overall, it was a night of some really great basketball playing, and the players from all 3 universities had fun more importantly!

Our coed volleyball team also played a friendly away game last night against Giro Volley – our last friendly game before the beginning of the tournament next Monday when they will play against Green Hill @Virgilio high school!