JCU Strava Challenge: Fostering Fitness and Community Spirit

In addition to offering a wide range of sports activities, the JCU Athletics Department, in collaboration with JCU Community Services and Student Services Offices, has been organizing a unique event since 2020. The JCU Strava Challenge aims to promote both physical well-being and social cohesion within the JCU community and its surrounding neighborhood, Trastevere. This initiative was born during the pandemic when group physical activities were restricted. We introduced a contest open to our students, staff, and faculty, providing an avenue to build community during challenging times while also lending a helping hand to those in need.

Uniting for Fitness and Connection: The JCU Strava Challenge leverages the popular fitness app, Strava – GPS tracker, to calculate the daily physical activity of each participant, fostering a friendly competition among individuals. This approach not only encourages individuals to engage in regular exercise but also facilitates networking opportunities among participants. In addition to the individual goal, the JCU Strava Challenge includes a collective objective. Upon reaching a certain total number of training hours, the university makes a donation to the voluntary association Vo.Re.Co., which supports people in need within our beloved Trastevere neighborhood.

JCU Comm. Services Director, Julia Del Papa

Success and Community Impact: The JCU Strava Challenge has garnered tremendous participation and has achieved remarkable results in terms of both community support and the enhancement of well-being and social interactions on our campuses. The Spring 2023 edition of the challenge was a resounding success. With the active involvement of over 145 members over a span of 14 weeks, we surpassed our group goal, accumulating a total of 1882 hours of physical exercise. As a result, we were able to donate 6240 cups for breakfast beverage distribution, as well as other essential items such as cleaning products for La Casa del Papà, dish soap, and brooms and mops, to the people supported by Vo.Re.Co.

Celebrating Achievement: The battle to win the contest was fierce until the very end, and we would like to congratulate our Vice President, Jose B. Alvarez, for emerging as the ultimate champion. Additionally, we commend student Griffin G. for his second place, and staff members Flavia A. and Janet M. for their exceptional performances, resulting in a joint third place. These outstanding individuals were honored during the Student Life Celebration, marking their remarkable dedication and achievements.

Looking Forward: Given the overwhelming participation and the fantastic outcomes achieved in terms of community support and the promotion of well-being and social connections within our campuses, we have made the decision to continue this activity in the future. We can’t wait to kick off the next challenge in the Fall 2023 semester. We invite all members of the JCU community to embrace the opportunity to participate, contribute, and make a difference.

Are you ready for the next Challenge?