Spring Break? Gladiators never stop!

Despite the break, our Gladiators never stopped! Some trained in our gym, while others spent a beautiful weekend in the snow in the Alps. Some competed in a half-marathon, and others challenged themselves to the long hiking Cammino di Santiago.

We are happy to tell you that a group of 8 students, accompanied by our staff Max, participated in the first Snow Trip in the Alps (Bardonecchia, Italy). The students were fortunate to enjoy several days in the snow, surrounded by beautiful landscapes, for an exciting skiing experience that entertained and created a beautiful group among the participants.

Meanwhile, Griffin, an SA student, embarked on a challenging personal sports adventure on the western European side: he walked 288 km on the “Camino de Santiago” (El Camino) in just six days, starting from Porto (Portugal) and arriving at the final destination, Santiago de Compostela (Spain). He visited wonderful places, from the sea to the hills, consuming approximately 23,500 total kcal and breaking all JCU Strava Challenge records!

To wrap up this week, our Office Coordinator Nicholas, accompanied by David, DS student, delivered a great performance at the Rome-Ostia half-marathon. Nicholas finished 131st out of 7222 participants, with a time of 1 hour and 16 minutes (with a speed of 3 minutes and 36 seconds per KM), registering his best performance ever. Congratulations, Nicholas, we are proud of you!

You guys had a relaxing week, but you worked hard, good job, Gladiators! It’s great to see our students achieving their sports goals and enjoying new challenges. This week, the tennis, volleyball, basketball, and soccer teams will resume their participation in the second phase of the Rome University Championships.

Keep up the excellent work and continue making us proud!