CONI Award Ceremony and Soccer 5vs5 Intramural Kick-Off

On Wednesday, May 24th, a group of JCU representatives went to the annual Award Ceremony at CONI (National Olympic Committee), which officially closes the 2017/2018 Season of the Universities of Rome Championship.

Many of our student-athletes stood out during the championship thanks to their amazing performances, as well, as some of our coaches.

These are the Gladiators who received the following awards:

In addition to these awards, JCU Athletics Coordinator, Marco Iorio and JCU Dean of Students, Deanna Mayer received a recognition for the great job they carried out for the growth of the Championship.

CONI – Sala D’Onore Universities of Rome Championship Award Ceremony

It was a very successful night that was the perfect reward for our Gladiators who proved great commitment and passion to the respective sports and teams during the season. Congratulations, Gladiators from the entire Athletics Department! We are really proud of you, and it is exactly because of you if our Department is currently growing, so thank you!

As the perfect evidence that our Gladiators never stop, right after the Ceremony, we went straight to the Trastevere Stadium for our Soccer 5vs5 Intramural Kick-Off.

Three teams ready to battle on the field, trying to show off their best athletics skills:

The first game saw the victory of Team B against Team A for 2-3. The second game placed Team B in a much more complicated position who ended the match in a tie 5-5 against Team C. In the last game, Team A was able to counteract its previous loss and tied against Team C for 3-3. At the end of the triangular game, this was the final ranking:

  1. TEAM B – 5 points
  2. TEAM C – 4 points
  3. TEAM A – 1 point

Team B conquered the first place and won last-night match. Congratulations! But congrats, as well, to all the players of the different teams who participated. That was really fun, and we hope you all enjoyed it too!

Gladiators in full action during the game

Don’t forget that next Wednesday, May 30th, we are going to have another Soccer 5vs5 Intramural Tournament. The game will take place at Trastevere Stadium at 7:00 PM.
You are all more than welcome to join us again, and invite new friends to participate, as well.