Unstoppable Gladiators Win Over AUR!

JCU Basketball team is riding the positive vibe, and last night our Gladiators brought home another victory for the fourth time in a row since the beginning of the pre-seasonal period.

JCU won over The American University of Rome 89-55. Our Gladiators played an excellent game from the very start, always maintaining a clear advantage during the entire game.

In the first three quarters, JCU played decisively, pushing forward, attacking well, and scoring. Only the last quarter saw our Gladiators taking it a little bit easier, knowing that victory was already in our pocket.

“I am really happy with the way everyone played tonight. I think everybody shared the ball well, and everybody scored,” Patrick Gilmore, Captain of the team commented at the end of the game. “Victor also played fantastic tonight. I think having his family here helped him pulling out the best.”

Then Patrick continued, “I think we should work better on our defence, but I feel like the more we play together, the more we improve.”

Michela Ciulli #4 – Scoring a free-throw

Last game was also important for our only Lady Gladiator in the basketball team, Michela Ciulli who was brave enough to play with and against all-men teams. We are really proud of you, Michela because you did not only play an amazing game and defended well, but you showed courage and determination!

“This was my second time playing with the team in a match, and I was really excited. I wasn’t worried to be the only girl. My teammates always try to help me out and make me at ease,” Michela said at the end of the game. Cherry on top – Michela shot a free-throw and scored! Great job!

Congratulations, Gladiators! You make us proud every single game! Now keep working hard because in exactly one month you will have a very important appointment in an international tournament in Barcelona, and we want you be ready!

Wednesday, October 24 | Virtus SR Basket vs JCU | 9:30 pm | San Paolo (Viale San Paolo, 12 – Rome)