Don’t forget about the health/well-being, nutrition and fitness seminars that we will be providing for free this summer session!
Our very own JCU Athletics coordinator, Alessandro Sabelli, will be speaking next Monday, May 29th at Guarini Campus (room G.1.1) from 12:45 PM- 1:45 PM about the Positive Effects of Aerobic Training.
5-June- Dr. Monica Antoniucci will be speaking in the Aula Magna from 12:45 PM – 1:45 PM about Nutrition for Athletics Performance
12-June- Dr. Daniele Conte, also part of the Athletics team currently working as one of our interns, will be speaking in the Aula Magna from 12:45 PM – 1:45 PM about the Benefits of Strength Training
Join us for our seminars to educate yourself about the mind and body in relation to fitness and nutrition!
We’ll see you there 😉