JCU Athletics has just launched the new Home Workout Video Series, Stay Fit With Alex, where our Athletics Coordinator guides you through different body-weight exercises to remain fit while staying at home.
The full training program is composed of 5 different body weight workouts that last around 30 minutes each.
Below, you can find the links to all the workouts!
WORKOUT #1 – Click HERE to watch the video
ππ» Jumping Jacks 3×30β R 1β
ππ» Glutes Bridges 3×15 R 45β
ππ» Reverse Crunch 3×12 R 45β
ππ» Superman 3×20β R 45β
ππ» Squat 3×20 R 1β
ππ» Push Ups 3×12 R 1β30β
ππ» Front Plank 3×20β R 1β
ππ» Mountain Climbers 3×20 R 1β
ππ» High Knees 3×30β R 1β
ππ» Stretching
WORKOUT #2 – Click HERE to watch the video
ππ» Front Jumping Jacks 3×30″ R 1′
ππ» Leg Abduction 3×15 Each Leg
ππ» Flutter Kicks 3×15
ππ» Lunges 3×10 Each Leg
ππ» Side Planking 3×20″ Each Side
ππ» 1/4 Squat Jump 3×20″ R 1′
ππ» Stretching
WORKOUT #3 – Click HERE to watch the video
ππ» Single Leg Glute Bridge 3×15 Each Leg
ππ» Surfer Paddle 3×20 R 45″
ππ» Single Leg Triceps Dip 3×10 Each Leg
ππ» Runner Crunch 3×20 R 45″
ππ» Sit Ups 3×15 R 1′
ππ» Squat Pulses 3×30 R 1′
ππ» High Knees 3×30″ R 1′
ππ» Stretching
WORKOUT #4 – Click HERE to watch the video
ππ»Β Jumping Jacks 3×45″ R 1′
ππ»Β Reverse Planking 3×20″ R 45″
ππ»Β Front Planking 3×20″ R 45″
ππ»Β Switch Lunges 3×20 R 1′
ππ»Β Triceps Push Ups 3×10 R 1′
ππ»Β Plank with Rotation 3×20 R 1′
ππ»Β Side Lunges 3×20 R 1′
ππ»Β High Knees 3×45″ R 1′
ππ»Β Mountain Climber 3×30″ R 1′
ππ»Β Stretching
WORKOUT #5 – Click HERE to watch the video
ππ»Β Jumping Jacks 3×30″ R 30″
ππ»Β Crunch Legs Up 3×20 R 45″
ππ»Β Front Jumping Jacks 3×30″ R 30″
ππ»Β Superman 3×20″ R 45″
ππ»Β High Knees 3×30″ R 30″
ππ»Β Squat 3×15 R 45″
ππ»Β Tibetan Push Ups 3×10 R 1’30”
ππ»Β Reverse Crunch 3×15 R 45″
ππ»Β Burpees 3×10 R 1’30”
ππ»Β Stretching
Have a good training!