JCU Gladiators Week: A Celebration of Sports, Spirit, and Unity

At John Cabot University, we’ve always been at the forefront of developing a robust sports program in Rome, and each year, we eagerly introduce exciting new initiatives. This year, from September 25th, we celebrated the Gladiators Week, a week brimming with events specially designed for our student-athletes.

In collaboration with the Health Department, our student-athletes had a unique opportunity to delve deeper into injury prevention and the application of taping techniques during two informative Injury Prevention Training sessions held in the Aula Magna. Over 50 participating students had the chance to put these newfound skills into practice during the latter part of the sessions.

On Thursday of the same week, the traditional Gladiators Night took place. This kick-off event was organized by the Athletics Department in collaboration with the university’s top officials. Coordinated by Marco Iorio, the Head of the Athletics Department, and accompanied by Maximus, our beloved mascot, the evening began with the introduction of key figures like Dean of Students Francesca Cuccovillo, Dean of Academics Prof. Stefano Arnone, Director of Student Services Pilar Murguia, and Student Government Club President Carlos Santander. The highlight of the evening was the announcement of the new team rosters. Before the night concluded with excellent pasta provided by Tiber Cafè and some lively karaoke, the Cheerleader team set the stage ablaze with their first seasonal performance.

The week was already filled with exciting events, but the most anticipated one unfolded during the weekend. On Friday, September 29th, a total of 90 participants, including student-athletes, coaches, and department staff, embarked on the inaugural Varsity Teams Retreat in Cascia, Umbria. Set in the splendid Hotel Magrelli and its fantastic sports facilities, all our teams had the opportunity to concentrate on technical and tactical aspects in a true sports retreat, featuring three intensive training sessions. However, the primary goal was undeniably to nurture the Gladiator Spirit that has always defined our university, fostering connections and friendships among the various teams. The participants left the retreat with their spirits lifted and a resounding request to do it all over again soon!

A heartfelt thank you goes to Health Dept., Tiber Cafè and Sport in Tour, and all the JCU Staff Members which assisted our office in organizing this fantastic weekend!

The preparation time is nearly over. In less than ten days, our Gladiators will finally take to the field for the start of the 2023-2024 season. Best of luck, Gladiators! Make us proud!

Go Gladiators!