JCU Coed Volleyball Has a Fair Start at First Friendly Game

The day of the first test-match also arrived for the new JCU Coed Volleyball team that, last night, took the field for their first friendly game against Talete. The game saw the victory of the home team for 3-0, but our Gladiators showed some good actions on the court that promise well for the future.

Talete immediately takes the lead, but JCU is still able to keep a grip on the opponents, ending the first set 25-19.

In the second set, the opposing team takes more control of the game, and our Gladiators commit more mistakes, which cost them a partial result of 25-15.

JCU reacts and is able to stand up to Talete in the third set, which ends 25-20.

“Despite the result, I can’t complain about our overall performance, especially considering the fact that we have been working out together for only two weeks so far,” Coach Papari observes. “There’s a little bit of confusion on the court, but I think that if we can organize the team better, we will commit less mistakes and will lose way less points. I fell that we obtain great results with this team.”

MVPDavid Axtell for scoring many points during the game

Good job, Gladiators! Keep working hard because we can’t wait to see more actions in the next games!