Good Vibes at JCU Tennis Intramural

On Friday, October 4th, JCU Athletics organized the usual Tennis Intramural. A few students participated in the tournament, and the level of the participants was quite high.

The tournament lasted for two hours with different rounds composed of 4 games each.

The qualifying rounds saw the victory of Northeastern University student Parker Bradt against Paolo Farina (coach of the Women’s 5vs5 Soccer team) on one court. At the same time, JCU student Shalom Zanzuri was taking his victory against Abdul Aboushwesha on the other court.

The only two female students fought in the first round, and Zaylie Collins prevailed over Anna Wulfson, but both gave proof of having very good tennis skills.

In the semifinals, Shalom defeated Parker 4-1, while Marco Distefano won 4-1 against Zaylie.

Parker and Zaylie, then, competed for the 3rd/4th place Finals, which saw the Zaylie’s victory.

Shalom and Marco played the Finals, and after a good match, Distefano gained the upper hand over Shalom, winning the tournament.

This is the final ranking:

1. Marco Distefano
2. Shalom Zanzuri
3. Parker Bradt

1. Zaylie Collins
2. Anna Wulfson

Congratulations, Gladiators!