The first round of Gladiators tryouts officially started last night. The first players in action to battle on the field for a spot in one of our varsity teams were Men’s Soccer 11 vs 11 and 5 vs 5, Women’s Soccer 5 vs 5, and Coed Volleyball.
Despite the not really promising weather, in many showed up at the Trastevere Stadium for the Soccer tryouts in all categories. We were glad to see quite a few returning Gladiators, but we were also excited to witness the presence of many new students, among degree seekers and visiting, ready to prove their sports skills and take on Gladiators spirit.
During the tryouts, all the players were tested in their technical skills, and then they played a little match in order for the coaches to also analyze players’ tactical skills on the field.
Many students also filled up the volleyball court at Virgilio for the Coed Volleyball tryouts. We were happy to see many new Gladiators wanting to be part of the volleyball varsity team. All the players worked hard to show their athletic abilities, giving the coach Stefano Papari the chance to understand the different roles to assign to the new players in view of Spring 2018 Season.
In both fields, we could feel the usual Gladiators spirit with all the students being extremely focused and smiley. So good job, everyone! We are proud of each one of you! Now get ready for the second round of tryouts on Wednesday, January 17th!
Today, Coed Basketball and Cheerleading tryouts will, instead, take place.
Coed Basketball tryouts will take place at Virgilio gym from 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm. All the players will meet in front of Guarini Campus at 8:15 pm and walk together to Virgilio. Cheerleading tryouts will be performed at JCU Fitness Center from 5:15 to 6:15 pm.
Again, good luck Gladiators!