FC Grosseto Business Trip

Yesterday, September 4th, JCU Gladiators and members of the JCU Business Club went to visit FC Grosseto Club, which is competing in the Italian Serie D. The Italian-American club bought the team last year after a harsh crisis that would have let the Grosseto team fail. The investors created a strong team very quickly, ranking in the second place at the end of the first season. Their main goal is to make the FC Grosseto team reach the Italian Serie B within 5 years.


JCU students had the great chance to meet the managers and, most importantly, to talk to Ms. Janet Strackhouse, who is one of the owners of FC Grosseto. Specifically, she explained the mission of the club, its structure, its budget and revenues, as well as the countless obstacles they have been facing to do business in the soccer market.

Before the beginning of the game, Marketing Director Enzo Nucifera highlighted the importance of having young adults pursuing a marketing career in Italy, as it is vital for an emerging Group like FC Grosseto to have prepared marketers and economists to get funds and sponsorships. After the game between FC Grosseto and Fezzanese that finished 2-2, the students attended the press conference in which De Martis and Falconieri, two soccer players of FC Grosseto, the coach and President Pincione intervened to answer questions.


The Athletics Department wishes to thank President Pavoncello, Gential Limani, President of the JCU Business Club, Marco Iorio, representative of JCU Athletics Department, and Ms. Strackhouse, representative of FC Grosseto for the collaboration and assistance.

For more videos about the game and the press conference, check the FC Grosseto SSD a RL Facebook Page.

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