Balanced Game at Trastevere Stadium: Gladiators Close to Victory by a Thread

On Wednesday, October 10, JCU Men’s Soccer played in a triangular race against Università Europea di Roma and Link Campus University.
It was a pretty intense game, which saw our Gladiators finishing in second place after two well-fought matches.

The triangular race started with JCU against Europea di Roma. Our Gladiators played really well and with great determination, leaving few chances to the opposing team to try and score. JCU moved most of the game on the opponents’ side of the field, failing two scores that could have helped the team directly win the game and avoid the penalty shots. However, our Gladiators didn’t blink and perfectly kicked into the goal post five excellent scores, winning the first match. Congrats to our kickers Brooks Hoffman, Ian Pratt, Marco Micarelli, Christopher Barry, and Ignacio Moreno.

The second match saw, instead, Europea di Roma playing against Link Campus. The game ended with Link Campus prevailing over Europea.

The tringular race then closed with the two winning teams JCU and Link Campus for the last 30-minute battle to assign the first place. In this game, JCU suffered a little bit more the advancement and oppression of the opponents, but our Gladiators were still able to create a wall in defence, not letting any chances for the rival to score.

The game ended up in draw, requiring the two teams to play penalty shots. This time, JCU decided to line up the following players: Mohamed Haddad, Josè Pablo Ortega, Gentian Limani, Cairo Davoli, Ignacio Moreno, and Christopher Barry. Unfortunately, one failing score from our last kicker let Link Campus win the tringular race. Our Gladiators finished in second place but gave proof of being a great team who fought hard and never gave up until the end.

“Our players played really well, and I am really with them. I think they’re doing an excellent job, and this always off,” Coach Ion Marian said at the end of the game.

Congratulations Gladiators for your second place, and keep it up with the good work!