Amalfi/Positano Weekend Hiking Trip

This past weekend, some of our Gladiators went on an adventurous hiking trip in Southern Italy. Accompanied by our Athletics Coordinator Alessandro Sabelli and Athletics Coordinator Assistant Massimiliano Menculini, the participants had the chance to enjoy and appreciate the gorgeous Italian landscapes that often slip away to the eyes of the common tourists.

Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t really good, but it didn’t stop our Gladiators from hiking and exploring all the natural wonders that those places had to offer.


Our Gladiators left off early morning from Rome and planned a first stop to the Vesuvius Park, but the road to get there was closed due to the heavy fog. They headed, then, directly to the town of Agerola where Vincenzo, the owner of the B&B Valle degli Dei, gave them a warm welcome, showing the typical Southern-Italy hospitality. Vincenzo also gave them some tips on what hiking paths to follow in the area.

Our Gladiators decided to venture towards the Sentiero degli Dei. They had a first glimpse of the Sentiero, turned to the Sentiero di Furore, and went down to the sea. After walking down 1000 steps, our Gladiators ended up in a pretty small beach.

At night, our Gladiators went to a local restaurant to gain back all the energy and recharge for the following day.


The second day was also characterized by a deep fog, but it didn’t discourage our Gladiators to walk through the entire Sentiero degli Dei. The rain didn’t stop until the end of the hike where the sky actually opened up a bit, and the Gladiators could enjoy the natural landscape.

At the end of the hike, the Gladiators got some rest in a coffee shop with a hot beverage to warm up and dry from the rain.

After dinner, our Gladiators took off for a night walk and witnessed the beauty of a night landscape with the light of a shining full moon.


The third day, our Gladiators were luckier because the weather was a little bit better, so they hiked thorugh the Sentiero dei 3 Calli up to the top of the mount.

Tired but satisfied, our Gladiators stopped for lunch and then headed back to Rome, carrying home an unforgettable all-Italian experience.

If you missed this trip, you can check our next hiking trips by going to this page. On March 16th, we will be hiking on the beautiful Mount Circeo. Click here to buy your ticket and get more info about the trip. Remember that you have tie until March 12th to sign up.