JCU Men’s Futsal Team Defeats Link Campus!

Last night…..

Both the JCU men’s futsal team and soccer team played difficult games!

Our men’s futsal team played against Link Campus at Trastevere Stadium and won, 7-5!!  Our MVP of the match was Pietro Sopranzi, who scored 3 of the 7 goals! Robert Zito scored 2, Serafino Pinna Vodret scored 1, and Grigor Dravatshyan 1! But the entire team played fantastically together, refusing to give up, and it paid off! Congratulations guys! 🙂


Our men’s soccer team played a really tough match at the Giulio Onesti field against one of the best teams in the league, Foro Italico…. Unfortunately, half of the team left their mates that did participate in the game with only 12 players and no goalie, resulting in a brutal 0-8 loss…. Hopefully we can work better as a team for next Wednesday’s game that will be the last of the semester! Come on Gladiators!

To get a recap of the men’s futsal game and learn about the players, click the link below:

2^ Men’s Futsal – JCU vs. LCU: 7-5


Congratulations again to the men’s futsal team for working hard and showing some real JCU pride!


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