Basketball tryouts and practices take place at San Paolo Ostiense, located on Viale S. Paolo, 12.
Directions to San Paolo Ostiense
Volleyball and Cheerleading tryouts and practices are held at Kennedy, on Via Dandolo, 104 and at San Paolo Ostiense, on Viale S. Paolo, 12.
Soccer tryouts and practices take place at Trastevere Stadium sports center owned by “Trastevere Calcio”, on Via Vitellia, 50, 00152 Roma
Directions to Trastevere Stadium
Tennis tryouts and practices take place at Tennis Pamphili, on Piazza di S. Pancrazio, 7, 00152 Roma

The JCU Fitness Center, located inside the Gianicolo Residence in Vicolo della Penitenza 26, is open every day in the following hours:
Monday – Friday, from 9.00 AM to 7.00 PM
Saturday – Sunday, from 2.30 PM to 7.00 PM
Directions to the Fitness Center