Fantastic start for the Gladiators soccer teams!

Yesterday was a great day for JCU..ย  Both the women and men’s soccer teams played and won their first games of the season at Trastevere Stadium!!

The Lady Gladiators played phenomenally against the American University of Rome and beat them with the score resulting in a 4-1 win, and the men’s team played incredibly hard against Europea di Roma with the score resulting in a 1-0 win for JCU!

aurGame Report

The women’s team started the game off strong and ended even stronger, with two goals scored by Victoria Barton in the first 13 minutes.ย  Pamela Contreras was the next to score at 31 min. making the score 3-1 after AUR had scored..ย  Finally, Kat Cunningham shot a bomb at 48 minutes finalizing the fantastic win and domination of AUR!


uerGame Report

Meanwhile, the men’s team competed against Europea di Roma in a tough match as both teams were playing well, but their hard work paid off in the end as the final score was 1-0 for JCU!!

Although JCU and Europea di Roma were both playing their best, Jorge Arias scored the first and only goal in the first half of the game with an assist by Tommaso Ferrucci.

Congratulations to both of our JCU Gladiators soccer teams, and keep up the JCU spirit for a successful rest of the season! ๐Ÿ™‚

#GoGladiators #JCUSpirit #JCUPride


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