Monte Semprevisa Hiking Trip
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Cost: €60
Deadline to sign-up and pay is by 5:00pm on Friday, Jan 26, 2018
By purchasing this trip, you are accepting the terms and conditions.
Students must be 18 or older to participate in athletics trips.
Length of trail: 13 km
Difference in altitude: 500 m
DURATION: about 6 hours
Monte Semprevisa: Between centuries-old beech trees and mysterious abysses, limestone rocks and places once inhabited by brigands, we will reach the highest peak of the Lepini Mountains.
At about 50 km south of Rome, the chain of the Lepini Mountains rises: we are in the southern section of Antiappennino Laziale. This mountain range represents a natural balcony overlooking the southwestern pontine plain, and is closed to the North by the Alban Hills, while the rest of the perimeter is enclosed between the Sacco and Amalfi valleys.
Starting from Pian della Faggeta, a fantastic plateau in the Council of Carpineto Romano at an altitude of 865 m, we will go up in the shade of the Acqua di Mezzavalle ditch to a wooded saddle from which we will easily reach the rocky and panoramic ridge of the Semprevisa and from here easily the summit at 1536 meters above sea level.
From the summit, the view can range across Agro Pontino with the Circeo and the Pontine Islands, the nearby Ausoni Mountains and Aurunci to the South, the Alban Hills to the North, while in the interior behind the Ciociaria will peel the high peaks of ‘ Southern Apennines (Ernici, Cantari and Simbruini) and the mountains of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Parks.
Minimum Number of Participants Required: 10
Maximum Number of Participants: 16
*For more information email [email protected]
**Please be reminded that, as stated in the Terms and Conditions, all activities and trips are not refundable.
Deadline to reserve and pay tickets Online 1/27/2018
60.00 €
Date | Time | League | Season |
February 4, 2018 | 8:40 am | Recreational Activities | 2016-2017 |