Men’s Soccer Tryouts – Day 1


On Wednesday, August 31st, Men’s Soccer tryouts began at the incredible Trastevere Stadium (50, via Vitellia). Thirty-one JCU students, both Degree-Seeking and Visiting, showed their Gladiator spirit on the soccer field. At the end of the first day of practice, Riccardo Concari, the Men’s Soccer coach, emphasized the high level of the team and his willingness to start working with all the players and reach great results in the upcoming tournament.

Alessandro Sabelli, the Head of the Athletics Department, and Manuel Franceschi, the Men’s Futsal coach, are satisfied as well. “We’re very optimistic for the next season,” says Mr. Sabelli after the first day of Women’s Soccer tryouts. “I believe that all students that tried out tonight are motivated and passionate Gladiators,” coach Franceschi adds.

All coaches agree that the first day of tryouts overcame the expectations and invite all students who wish to join the JCU teams to keep showing up to the next tryouts on Monday, September 5th, and Wednesday, September 7th.

#GoGladiators #JCUSoccerTeams #JCURome



Date Time
August 31, 2016 8:30 pm


Trastevere Stadium
Via Vitellia, 50, 00152 Roma RM, Italy