Beach Volleyball Day


Saturday, June 9, 2018
Cost: €60
Deadline to sign-up and pay is by 5:00pm on Friday, June 1, 2018

By purchasing this trip, you are accepting the terms and conditions.

Students must be 18 or older to participate in athletics trips.



9:30AM – Meeting at Trastevere Train Station and departure to Nettuno

10:53AM – Arrival in Nettuno

11:15AM – Breakfast at Bellavista beach resort

11:30AM – Beach Volleyball games: first round

1PM – Lunch Time and free time at the beach

3PM – Second Volleyball games: second round

5PM – Prize giving and gelato!

6PM – Visit of Nettuno, medieval town and harbor

7:30PM – Dinner in a local Pizzeria ()
9:56PM – Departure from Nettuno train station to Rome


Nettuno is a popular tourist destination, about an hour distant from Rome. Sights include a well-preserved old quarter, the Borgo Medievale, with mediaeval streets, walls and small squares, and the Forte Sangallo, a castle built in 1503 by Renaissance architect Antonio da Sangallo the Elder. We will spend a day playing beach volleyball, but also having some relax in a private beach resort. We will finally visit the beautiful old town and have an original pizza before returning to Rome. Transportation, food, beach resorts equipment, and gelato will be provided.

Minimum Number of Participants Required: 7

Maximum Number of Participants: 18

*For more information email [email protected]
**Please be reminded that, as stated in the Terms and Conditions, all activities and trips are not refundable.

Deadline to reserve and pay tickets Online 6/2/2018


Date Time League Season
June 9, 2018 3:46 pm Recreational Activities 2017 - 2018