Circeo Hiking Day


Date: Friday, May 25, 2018

Price: €60
Deadline to sign-up and pay is by 5:00pm Friday, May 18

Students must be 18 or older to participate in this trip.
​By purchasing this trip, you are accepting the terms and conditions.

Description/ What we will do a see:  From any area on the south coast of Lazio it will be impossible for you to not notice the wonderful promontory of Circeo, a hill of about 540mt overlooking a crystal clear sea, surrounded by a spectacular natural park and picturesque villages.  This is a magnificent place that holds a combination of nature, history and myth. Crossing the promontory of Circeo, considered at one point in time an island in the lands of the sorceress, is a dense maquis.  It ascends to the ridge and is at times exposed with an incredible view of the long coastal dune lake of Sabaudia and the Pontine islands. We will travel from San Felice Circeo, hike through the park and arrive to Torre Paola, and for the most brave there will be a chance to jump in the crystal clear sea!

8 AM: Meeting at Tiber
10 AM: Arrival in San Felice Circeo
10:30 AM: Hiking to Torre Paola (5 hours, including lunch break)
4:30 PM: Departure to Rome
6:30 PM: Arrival

What’s included?
Round-trip private van service
-Private guided tour
-Packed Lunch
-Helpful and knowledgeable group leaders!

What to bring: hiking shoes, rain jacket, comfortable clothes for hike, back-pack, change of socks, sunglasses, cap/hat, water bottle, few snacks (if you need), camera!

Minimum Number of Participants Required: 10
Maximum Number of Participants: 17

For more information email [email protected]
*This trip may conflict with degree seeking advising appointments, please check the terms and conditions for refund policy in these cases.
**Please be reminded that, as stated in the Terms and Conditions, all activities and trips are not refundable.

Deadline to reserve and pay tickets Online 5/19/2018

60.00 €


Date Time League Season
May 25, 2018 2:47 pm Recreational Activities 2017 - 2018