Monte Autore Snowshoe Hike Preview Friday, Jan 19, 2018 Cost: €75 Deadline to sign-up and pay is by 5:00pm on Friday, Jan 12, 2018 By purchasing this trip, you are accepting the terms and conditions. Students must be 18 or older to participate in athletics trips. Length: 7 km Difference in altitude: 300m A fun snowshoes hiking that crosses one of Europe’s widest beech trees forests: Mount Autore (1855m). The itinerary presents all the peculiarities of the Simbruini Mountains, from the wooded environment to the wide Karst plains, reaching a non-really demanding summit to enjoy a vast panorama on most of the Appenino Centrale. Minimum Number of Participants Required: 11 Maximum Number of Participants: 16 *For more information email [email protected] **Please be reminded that, as stated in the Terms and Conditions, all activities and trips are not refundable. Deadline to reserve and pay tickets Online 1/13/2018 75.00 € Details Date Time League Season January 19, 2018 8:00 am Recreational Activities 2016-2017