Volleyball Coach Livia Di Vincenzo

ita Italy


Name: Livia Di VincenzoHometown: Rome, ItalyTeam Coach: Coed VolleyballDegree: Master’s degree in “Letteratura e Lingua.Studi Italiani ed Europei” at Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”;Titolo di specializzazione per le attività di sostegno didattico presso Università degli studi di Roma “Foro Italico”;Previous Coaching Experience: ASD Fiano Romano Volley;Favorite Quote/Motto: Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game. (M.Jordan)

…More about Coach Livia

1. What do you like the most about coaching at JCU?I am really excited to work as the coach of the JCU volleyball team. For me it is an important opportunity for my personal and professional growth; I believe there is always so much to learn from engaging with young people come from different cultures and traditions.

2. What is the biggest challenge you have ever encountered while coaching at JCU?The biggest challenge for me will be to overcome language and cultural barriers in order to be able to convey to young athletes my enthusiasm and passion for volleyball and team sports in general by promoting in them a deep sense of belonging and sharing the common goal.

3. What do you expect in your players? What is the most important characteristic they should have?I expect my athletes to have team spirit, collaborative skills, and a desire to have fun and socialize with others.