Minta Caune Women's Basketball

Gladiator Protagonist of Women’s 3vs3 Basketball Tournament

JCU has always been protagonist in the beginning of new leagues and tournaments, since the first edition of the University of Rome Championship in 2005.

This past Fall 2023 semester the brand-new Women’s Basketball Tournament was launched by JCU together with Foro Italico University, American University of Rome and Link Campus University.

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group picture of the first game day of the women's basketball tournament

Today we have the pleasure to interview Study Abroad Basketball Player Minta Caune who was real protagonist of this first edition of the Women’s Basketball Tournament.

  1. What do you think about this first edition of the Women’s 3vs3 Basketball tournament?

    I really enjoyed the tournament. I thought it was really fun and a great way for girls to play some good basketball. I hope the tournament can continue to grow in future years.
  2. On December 5th, the second stage took place, and it didn’t go quite well for you. What has been missing for you so far? And beyond the results, tell us about this experience!

    Both nights were really fun, despite not always having the best results. Our team struggled from a lack of practice and chemistry. It seemed that a lot of the other teams had been playing with each other and had more of a game plan. We also had a couple of girls that had not played much basketball at all. They tried very hard though, and we all had a great time. For me personally, I struggled a bit because it has been a while since I have played against girls. Also, generally I prefer to be more of a passer and defender, rather than the main scorer. These games were helpful in my efforts to continue to develop my game.
  3. Do you play, or have you played basketball outside of the university context?

    I grew up playing basketball and played girls varsity basketball in high school in New Jersey. At my university in Washington DC, I play in the co-ed intramural league. This league is very casual, and we just play a couple of games with other students at the university.
  4. What does basketball mean to you?

    Basketball means a lot to me. It is a great passion of mine and I love every aspect about it. For me, it is about much more than scoring highlight-worthy moments during big games. It is about having a team, spending hours and hours practicing and always trying to find new ways to be better. Basketball has taught me about life. It has taught me how to overcome disappointments, how to handle pressure and how to be happy for others even if you are dissatisfied with your own performance.
  5. Let’s change the topic for a moment. What are you studying?

    I study international affairs at American University in Washington DC. I hope to go to law school and later work in national security and humanitarian areas.
  6. Do you have a dream tucked away?

    Even if it is a bit clichรฉ, I hope to create a positive change in the world. Even if it is small, I want my career to help people and make the world a more peaceful place. I also hope to keep playing basketball, other sports and competing athletically for the rest of my life.
womens basketball team jcu